
ADP-ribosylation is a reversible post-translational modification in which one (mono-ADP-ribosylation) or multiple (poly-ADP-ribosylation) ADP-ribose moieties are attached onto a substrate protein by ADP ribosyltransferases.



mono-ADP-ribosylation is a common post-translational modification, where an ADP-ribose moiety is transferred from NAD+ to the substrate protein under the release of nicotinamide. The transfer of ADP-ribose occurs onto amino acid residues with a nucleophilic oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur.

Av: 541.3011
M: 541.0611
C, D, E,
K, N, Q,
R, S, T
Physicochemical properties of γ-carboxylation that are stored in the modification database of Prot pi (NC: Native charge; H: Relative hydrophobicity; AA: Modified amino acid; Pattern: Regex for sequence-motif  recognition).

*Spectrum of ATP instead of ADP-ribose was taken since no spectrum of ADP-ribose was available. The major difference between the two molecules are the terminal phosphate/ribose group. The absorbance in the UV-range however is mainly caused by the adenine moiety.

In-depth mechanism

mono-ADP-ribosylation describes the process of attaching an ADP-ribose moiety directly onto an amino acid residue with nucleophilic oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur, forming an N-, O- or S-glycosidic bond. The donor of the ADP-moiety is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. The transfer is catalysed by various ADP-ribosyltransferasen. During the transfer, nicotinamide is released​1–6​. Primarily, arginine ​1–6​, glutamate​1–5​ and aspartate​1–5​, but to a lesser extent also asparagine​1,2,5,6​, lysine​1–4​, cysteine​1,3,6​, threonine​3​, glutamine​6​ and histidine​6​ residues have been described as acceptor for ADP-ribosylation. ADP-ribosylation increases the molecular mass of the modified protein by 541 Da​2​. Furthermore, an additional negative charge is introduced into the protein​1​. The mechanism of mono-ADP-ribosylation is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: Mechanism of mono-ADP-ribosylation. An ADP-ribose moiety is transferred from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide onto amino acid residues with a nucleophilic oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur. In the process nicotinamide is released. The reaction is catalysed by ADP-ribosyltransferases.

It is assumed that mono-ADP-ribosylation was originally developed by bacteria as a defence mechanism against viruses, other bacterial species and antimicrobial molecules​3​. Otherwise not much is known about the functions of mono-ADP-ribosylation​2​.


Some ADP-ribosyltransferases are able to perform several ADP-ribosylations, which is called poly-ADP-ribosylation. In poly-ADP-ribosylation, further ADP-ribose moieties are added to the already protein-bound ADP-ribose, thus forming ADP-ribose polymers​4,7​. Chain elongation occurs via a nucleophilic attack of the C2″ hydroxyl of the adenine ribose on the C1″ of the next nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide​4​. The polymers may be irregularly branched, with a branching point every 20 – 60 units of linear ADP-ribose​7​. Since each ADP-ribose moiety adds a negative charge to the protein, a protein that previously was positively charged may no longer be charged or may even become negatively charged​1​. In contrast to mono-ADP-ribosylation, poly-ADP-ribosylation plays a crucial role in various major cellular and biological processes, such as DNA damage repair, cell proliferation and differentiation, metabolism, stress and immune responses​2,5​.


  1. 1.
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Andreas Rummel
Andreas Rummel
5. September 2023 23:22

Hallo Jon,
schöne Abb. Setze ich für meine Vorlesung ein. Ergänzung: Diphtherietoxin ADP-ribosyliert das His715 im EF-2.
Andreas Rummel